
R. Kelly's Charges Dismissed in Minnesota County: Here's the Reason

R. Kelly’s Charges Dismissed in Minnesota County: Here’s the Reason

Minnesota prosecutors have dropped state sex abuse charges against R. Kelly, citing the lengthy federal prison sentences he has already received. The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office revealed that despite believing the victim’s claims and holding an unwavering position that Mr. Kelly would likely be convicted, the decision was made considering his existing prison terms.

The charges were initially brought in 2019 by former Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman, accusing the singer of engaging in prostitution with a minor. Court documents alleged that Kelly had given a 17-year-old girl his phone number during an autograph session and later paid her $200 to dance for him at a Minneapolis hotel.

However, Hennepin County prosecutors ultimately determined that there was no evidence to support the victim’s involvement in sex work. The dismissal of the charges left the alleged victim, known as “Jane Doe” in court records, expressing sadness and a desire for accountability. Her statement emphasized that she came forward as one of Kelly’s surviving victims seeking justice and closure, rather than pursuing monetary gain or fame.

R. Kelly had already been convicted in 2022 in both New York and Illinois for a range of crimes, including child pornography, enticement, and sex trafficking. With a total of 31 years to serve for his federal convictions, his legal troubles continue to mount.




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