
Tyreek Hill Slams Rick Ross for Exploiting His House Fire Tragedy

Tyreek Hill Slams Rick Ross for Exploiting His House Fire Tragedy

Tyreek Hill Slams Rick Ross for Exploiting His House Fire Tragedy

Tyreek Hill, the Miami Dolphins wide receiver, took to social media to call out his neighbor, rapper Rick Ross, for what he perceives as taking advantage of his suffering during a recent house fire. In a fiery post, Hill expressed his frustration, stating, “Rick Ross I can’t vibe with you!” He criticized Ross for allegedly filming and promoting his businesses while Hill’s house was engulfed in flames.

Tyreek Hill Slams Rick Ross for Exploiting His House Fire Tragedy

This incident has sparked debate among fans and the public. Some sympathize with Hill, condemning Ross’s actions, while others believe that Ross may not have intended to exploit the situation. Regardless, this clash between the sports star and the rapper has certainly caused a stir in the hip-hop community.

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