
Boosie Badazz Opens Up About Encounter With Persistent Stalker

Boosie Badazz Opens Up About Encounter With Persistent Stalker

Boosie Badazz Opens Up About Encounter With Persistent Stalker

Boosie Badazz recently shared his chilling encounter with a relentless stalker, shedding light on the unnerving ordeal he’s endured for months. The woman, fixated on him, made repeated unwelcome visits, even threatening violence at one point. Boosie revealed she menaced to shoot up his home, though she possessed only BB guns.

Boosie Badazz Opens Up About Encounter With Persistent Stalker

In a candid moment, Boosie disclosed the unsettling incidents, captured on security footage, where law enforcement intervened. He expressed concern for his safety and his family’s, detailing her erratic behavior, from claims of marriage and extravagant gifts to obstructing his driveway with reckless bravado.

In his latest video addressing the issue, Boosie opted for leniency, preferring a warning over legal action. Despite the distressing situation, he emphasizes a desire to avoid further escalation.

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